Now available EVS system on iPad for the Global Express
Max-Viz MV-2300 Enhanced Vision System
The system comprises the MV-2300 Sensor mounted in a composite aerodynamic fairing that mounts on the Tip Fairing of the aircraft. The sensor outputs two video signals; a combined infrared/visible light and a separate visible light (color) signal.
Combined EVS (infrared/visible light) video shall be displayed on each iPad. The video can be selected independently from each unit. A video application is available for the iPad allowing viewing of the EVS video. The color camera view is available for passenger entertainment.
A field-of-view (FOV) switch is supplied as part of the installation kit and is used to select the normal view or wide view. This will select 30° or 53° FOV as desired.
The EVS video is transmitted to the iPads via Wi-Fi.